Health workers march in the Glasgow Health Bloc.
Health for a Green New Deal logo - white flower over mint-green medical cross

Health for a Green New Deal

Who Are We

Health for a Green New Deal is a network for health workers across the country that come together and campaign for climate justice.

Witnessing the symptoms of the climate crisis, we bring the health voice to highlight the links between climate, health and economic justice issues. 

We use the power of the health community to end deadly fossil fuels and call for a just transition to a fairer society that prioritises the health of people and the planet over profit.

We do this by:

  1. Supporting national campaigns fighting against oil & gas expansion, highlighting the links to the cost of living crisis
  2. Take on local on battles for a just transition to build power and organise in solidarity with communities 
  3. Use the health voice to speak out for a just transition in local and national media

Events and meetings