No Borders in the NHS! Week of Action, 23-27 October

The Hostile Environment is turning the NHS into the new frontier of border control. Join us as we take action against patient charging and demand an end to borders in the NHS!

No To Arms Fairs – Refugees and Migrants Welcome

On Tuesday 15 March at 6pm, a vigil will be held outside the Home Office in London to remember those who have lost their lives to our government’s border regime and arms trade. Join us there!

UK Gov: Join the Nuclear Ban Treaty World Meeting!

Join us and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) outside the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) to urge the UK government to attend the 1MSP, and engage with the TPNW with the aim of committing to get rid of our nuclear arsenal once and for all.

No Borders in the NHS Bloc @ SOS NHS National Demonstration

Patients Not Passports is joining the SOS NHS national day of action to save the NHS, march with us in the No Borders in the NHS Bloc! Join our bloc where we are marching in solidarity with migrant and refugee communities, and calling for an end to racist hostile immigration policies, including migrant charging and immigration checks in healthcare. Join us to demand an NHS free and accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay or your immigration status.