Research Meeting: ‘Kill The Bill’


The government has misleadingly branded the dangerous PCSC Bill a “public health approach” to combating serious violence. This research meeting will be a chance to feed in to a briefing Medact is producing in support of the Kill The Bill movement.

What has the Climate Crisis got to do with our health?


Medact Yorkshire are delighted to invite you to our online contribution to York Environment Week where we discuss ‘What has the Climate Crisis got to do with our Health?’.

September Big Meeting — Health for a Green New Deal


With just over a month to go to the COP 26 talks in Glasgow, join us for the September Big Meeting of the Health for a Green New Deal campaign as we take action for health and climate justice!

Health & Human Rights Research Network Quarterly


Join the Health & Human Rights strand of the Medact Research Network for our next Quarterly meeting – a space for us to come together, share our work, discuss new projects, or delve into deep discussion about research that has caught your interest.

Interested in sharing? Get in touch with me Sarah Lasoye (Campaigns Officer, [email protected]) with a few details of what you’d like to talk about!