Medact Bristol Welcoming Evening + Talk on navigating climate anxiety

Cafe Kino Stokes Croft, Bristol, United Kingdom

Please join us for an evening of reflecting on our responses to climate change and climate action. We are the Bristol branch of Medact, a nation-wide collective where health workers campaign on health and climate justice. Dr Liz Marks will be holding a presentation and discussion on her research on climate anxiety and eco-distress. Liz […]

Securitisation of Health group: November Meeting

The Securitisation of Health group is for health workers and anyone interested in working to challenge the growing securitisation of healthcare through campaigning, lobbying and research. The group are currently focused on campaigning to end Prevent in the NHS, and also work to oppose policing other securitisation policies within healthcare. New members are welcome!

Medact North East Group Meeting

Medact North East is an active local group based around Newcastle, Sunderland, Tynemouth and across the North East.

Nuclear Weapons Group meeting: December

Medact’s Nuclear Weapons Group represents the longest standing aspect of Medact’s work towards nuclear abolition, and to address war, armed violence and conflict as global threats to health.

Medact Sheffield meeting

Medact Sheffield are currently focusing their campaigns on Patients Not Passports and Health for a Green New Deal.

Securitisation of Health Group: December Meeting

The Securitisation of Health group is for health workers and anyone interested in working to challenge the growing securitisation of healthcare through campaigning, lobbying and research. The group are currently focused on campaigning to end Prevent in the NHS, and also work to oppose policing other securitisation policies within healthcare. New members are welcome!

London Housing & Health meeting (in-person)

Medact Pelican House, 144 Cambridge Heath Road, London

Medact’s EJ Housing & Health Group is organising to improve policies for better access to secure and sustainable housing. This includes working alongside local groups to support local campaigns, as well as demanding policy change on a national level for better support for social housing, community-owned housing stock and protections for renters. Last month, Medact […]