Launch of Unhealthy Investments report – Should health organisations divest from fossil fuels?

  – This event is taking place to mark the public release of a report about the case for divestment from fossil fuels by the UK health community, including representative bodies such as the medical and nursing Royal Colleges, academic institutions working on healthcare or public health, and health-focused charities and foundations, such as the […]

Killing for Peace – launch of Medact Brighton

Chair: Centre for applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton Speaker 1. (Veterans for Peace) Modern war on the ground Speaker 2. (Brighton University) Modern war from the air Speaker 3. (Doctors of the World) What we do to survivors who escape to the UK Speaker 4. (Medact) Modern wars – Syria: more like […]

Medact London Launch – film night screening ‘The Divide’

Medact members in London are joining together to form a local group! To celebrate the launch of Medact London, they are screening “The Divide” on 5th May at the Lush shop on Oxford Street, and the director Katharine Round will be attending for a Q&A session. The film aims to explore the growing gap between the […]

Launch of Shale Gas Production in England Report

Medact are launching an update of our 2015 report Health and Fracking.  Since the release of the first teport over 350 new peer reviewed studies have been published, with significant implications for health locally, and climate change globe. Dr David McCoy. Director of Medact, and Professor John Middleton, in-coming President of the Faculty of Public […]