Medact – How to build a movement? (Post-AGM Event)

Building strong movements is more important than ever … can you lend Medact your ideas and enthusiasm to help us better understand how we can be more effective, and how we grow?   Come together with Medact supporters, staff and trustees on the afternoon of Saturday 20th June to lend your ideas and creativity in […]

RCN Nursing Defence Ethics Workshop

Title: RCN Defence Nursing Forum & Ethics Committee Workshop: Doing the right thing on a difficult day   Date: Thursday 5th November 2015 Timings: 12.30 – 16.00 Price: £35.00 workshop fee This workshop will look at the challenges faced by frontline professionals in reconciling their professional responsibilities and explore how to get the balance right. It […]

Health Through Peace – ‘Next Steps’ Workshop

On the 16th January 2016 from 10.30 – 17.00, we will be holding a workshop at the Medact offices in London. This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to be a part of the #healthpeace movement to meet, and plan together the next steps we can take over the coming year. The workshop will be fun, action-focused and a […]

Medact seminar – Competence, Consent, Confidentiality, and Digital Security

March 23, 2016 1600-1900h Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole St London W1G 0AE Questions around informed patient consent are complicated enough for most UK citizens. When dealing with asylum seeking survivors of serious human rights abuses, these issues become substantially more complex. This is particularly true when permission is sought for audit, evaluation, research, […]

Health Through Peace Skillshare

On April 9th, we’re holding a Health Through Peace Skillshare, where you can gain some campaigning skills and connect with the current Health Through Peace action groups. 10.00 – 10.30: Welcome and Introductions Please bring an item/photograph to share that speaks to you personally about the health peace movement, or your involvement/interest in campaigning/activism. 10.30 – 12.30: Nuclear Weapons: […]

Oxford Health Through Peace Network Day

Medact believes that health professionals are uniquely placed to address the root drivers of war and conflict; and to work towards peace and a more sustainable idea of security. In November 2015, we ran the ‘Health Through Peace’ conference which saw 700 members of the health community come together to discuss the impact of war, […]

Health Through Peace Cornwall

Medact believes that health professionals have an important role to play in working towards peace and a more sustainable idea of security. In November 2015, we ran the ‘Health Through Peace’ conference which saw 700 members of the health community come together to discuss the impact of war, violence and militarism on health. Since then, […]

Health and Fracking Masterclass

The prospect of unconventional shale gas production through hydraulic fracturing has become a contentious public health issue worldwide.  Medact are organising this masterclass in partnership with the Faculty of Public Health,  the aim of which is to provide an opportunity for public health professionals to learn about the process of high volume hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production, the role […]

Humanity in Healthcare – Training the Trainer

The Medact Refugee Solidarity Group, in partnership with Doctors of the World UK, are currently working on an education project to deliver access to healthcare training in universities and workplaces across the UK. We are hoping to form a collective of healthcare students and professionals who can undergo training and then deliver this across the […]