Global Health Alert – the trans-Atlantic trade and investment negotiations – what’s the fuss about?

The United States and the European Union are currently engaged in negotiations to establish a new trade and investment agreement with each other. This is set to become one of the biggest such agreements – encompassing the world’s two largest economic unions. It will have an impact (direct and indirect) on human and environmental health and in […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health

 5th Lecture: The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health   Date: Weds 25th Feburary Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Location: The Bainbridge Room on the second floor of the Robin Brook Centre – Queen Mary University at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital followed by The Rising Sun pub at 7:30pm (more details below).   In this fifth lecture Deborah Cohen, Investigations […]

Recognising and acting on medical sequellae of human rights abuses – Training in Oxford

Asylum Welcome Oxford Unit 7 Newtec Place, Magdalen Rd, Oxford

A recent survey of 199 clinicians in the Northwest Region revealed that 55% had encountered a torture survivor in their NHS practice; most lacked confidence in how to help these patients. Medact, Asylum Welcome Oxford and Forrest Medico-Legal Services have partnered to organise a special teaching session to train interested doctors, nurses and counsellors in methods […]

Medact Tyneside – Planning the year ahead

Jesmond, Newcastle; exact location TBC Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

2019 is a pivotal year for the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). This Treaty was agreed by the UN in July 2017 and so far has been signed by 69 states and ratified by 19. The British government must be encouraged to sign the Treaty, and in November 2018, the City of Manchester endorsed […]

Medact Manchester – January Strategy Meeting

Our next meeting on Thursday January 17th at 8pm in Manchester, will be an opportunity for us to discuss our aims and objectives for the upcoming year so that we can have as much impact as possible going forwards. Please email [email protected] for the address or with any questions. We look forward to seeing you!