Emergency protest – Stop the persecution of Muslims in India

India House / India High Commission Aldwych, London, United Kingdom

Citizenship rules have been changed in India by the ruling Hindu Nationalist Party. The amendments made give preferential treatment to certain religious groups, explicitly barring Muslims, to gain citizenship in India. All this has led to communal violence against Muslims, who have had their homes, businesses, mosques and families targeted, most recently in Delhi. It is […]

Medact Meet & Greet ahead of Lucas Plan screening at MAC Birmingham

MAC Birmingham Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham

On March 1st, screenings are being organised up and down the country for the launch of The Plan ─ a new feature length documentary following the inspiring story of a group of workers at Lucas Aerospace in the 1970s, who, facing redundancies and industrial decline, came together to make a plan to keep jobs by […]

Medact Migrant Solidarity Group: Meeting

Medact Office The Brick Yard, 28 Charles Square, London, United Kingdom

Medact Migrant Solidarity Group’s next monthly meeting is on Tuesday 3rd March at the Medact Office

Medact Sheffield: Meeting

Seminar Room 4, Sheffield Medical School, Beech Hill Road, S10 2RX Seminar Room 4, Sheffield Medical School, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Medact Sheffield will be meeting on the 3rd March, 7pm – 8.30pm @ Seminar Room 4, Sheffield Medical School, Beech Hill Road, S10 2RX

Docs Not Cops Glasgow: Training Day

26 Civic Street, Glasgow, G4 9RH, 26 Civic Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Docs Not Cops is a campaign group of NHS professionals and patients fighting to protect access to healthcare and resist the hostile environment within the NHS. Docs Not Cops Glasgow are organising a free training day to help educate health care workers from across all disciplines on the negative impacts of the hostile environment and […]

Bristol Medact: Meeting

GP Right to care meeting – building the safe surgeries movement in Bristol. 9th March @ 6pm

Medact Liverpool: Meeting

Medact Liverpool had to postpone their meeting on the 10th March, but they will be meeting again very soon!

Medact Sheffield: Meeting

University of Sheffield Medical School University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Broomhall, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Medact Sheffield will be meeting on Wednesday 18th March, 7pm – 8:30pm, Medical School Seminar Room 4. Latecomers very welcome. We’ll probably manage a quick drink after if you’re free to stick around.

Medact Brighton: Patients Not Passports launch – Standing up for Migrant Healthcare

Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AF Ship Street, Brighton, United Kingdom

Connecting those in Brighton and Hove challenging the hostile environment and fighting for access to healthcare for all. An action planning event to build a strong, collaborative movement across our city. All welcome. Join us as we bring together people and organisations from across the city who are challenging racism and fighting for access to […]