EU Citizens Politics Festival

Our Access to Healthcare Campaigns & Programme Lead, James Skinner, will be speaking at the3million’s Young Europeans Network EU Citizens Politics Festival on Sunday 18th April from 10.00am – 11.30am. Find out more and register your place

Green Jobs MP Lobbying Training (Session 2)


In the build up to our Health Lobby of MPs for Green Jobs, we will be running MP lobbying training sessions together with Hope For Future on 12th April and 22nd April.

Scottish Elections 2021: Glasgow Climate and Health Hustings


Join us on international Earth Day for our special election hustings, as healthcare workers in Glasgow grill candidates in the upcoming Scottish elections on their plans for a just and green recovery post-COVID!

Urgent Briefing: Why We All Have a Duty to Kill The Bill


Join us on Monday 26th April for an urgent briefing on the public health impacts of the PCSC Bill, and find out what the Kill The Bill Coalition is building towards and what you can do to get involved.

Take Them to Court! How the Law Can Help in Creating Structural Change for Migrant Justice

Our Access to Healthcare Campaigns and Programme Lead, James Skinner, is speaking at a seminar on how legal knowledge and tools can be used to help build wider movements and create social change, organised by Migrants Organise and UCL Centre Access to Justice. James will be discussing the judicial review process, it’s strengths and weaknesses, as […]

Access to healthcare, borders in the NHS and NHS charging

Medact Sheffield and the Justice for Simba Campaign are speaking at this event with the excellent SYMAAG on Thursday 29th April at 7.00pm. The event will focus on the different ways in which the hostile environment permeates into the NHS in the form of charging, data sharing and restricted access. Find out more and register […]

Kill The Bill National Day of Action

Across the UK , United Kingdom

Join us this Saturday as we stand with people across the country taking action to #KillTheBill. The Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill is a dangerous and harmful piece of legislation that threatens out right to protest, directly attacks Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communites, and targets Black people for increased police violence and discrimination. This […]