Medact Newcastle – Tax & Health

Medact Tyneside and Medsin present Taxing Health a lecture by Dr Guddi Singh on The Relationship Between Tax and Human Health. Dr Guddi Singh is a Medact member, now training in Paediatrics in London. She has a Masters Degree in Public Health from Harvard University and has previously worked with the World Health Organisation. She is passionate about social justice, human health and challenging barriers to […]

Support Refugees Group Meeting

On Monday 15th February at 18.30, we’re holding the first meeting of the new ‘health through peace’ Support Refugees group. If you would like to be part of this group of health professionals and students uniting in support of refugees in the UK, please join us to: – Discuss our vision, aims and activities – […]

Stop Trident March & Rally

Medact at the Stop Trident March and Rally Saturday 27th February at 12 noon in central London   Medact, emphasising the health impact and humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, is one of the supporting organisations for the CND-led Stop Trident March and Rally being held in London on Saturday 27th February at 12 […]

Medact Refugee Solidarity Group meeting

On Monday 7th March at 18.30, the Medact Refugee Solidarity Group will hold their second meeting at the Grayston Centre in London. The group will be creating placards for their next action, which is to take part in the Surround Yarslwood Demonstration on 12th March. They will also be discussing broader project ideas, along with specific […]

Killing for Peace – launch of Medact Brighton

Chair: Centre for applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton Speaker 1. (Veterans for Peace) Modern war on the ground Speaker 2. (Brighton University) Modern war from the air Speaker 3. (Doctors of the World) What we do to survivors who escape to the UK Speaker 4. (Medact) Modern wars – Syria: more like […]

Medact seminar – Competence, Consent, Confidentiality, and Digital Security

March 23, 2016 1600-1900h Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole St London W1G 0AE Questions around informed patient consent are complicated enough for most UK citizens. When dealing with asylum seeking survivors of serious human rights abuses, these issues become substantially more complex. This is particularly true when permission is sought for audit, evaluation, research, […]

Health Through Peace Skillshare

On April 9th, we’re holding a Health Through Peace Skillshare, where you can gain some campaigning skills and connect with the current Health Through Peace action groups. 10.00 – 10.30: Welcome and Introductions Please bring an item/photograph to share that speaks to you personally about the health peace movement, or your involvement/interest in campaigning/activism. 10.30 – 12.30: Nuclear Weapons: […]

Oxford Health Through Peace Network Day

Medact believes that health professionals are uniquely placed to address the root drivers of war and conflict; and to work towards peace and a more sustainable idea of security. In November 2015, we ran the ‘Health Through Peace’ conference which saw 700 members of the health community come together to discuss the impact of war, […]

Medact London Launch – film night screening ‘The Divide’

Medact members in London are joining together to form a local group! To celebrate the launch of Medact London, they are screening “The Divide” on 5th May at the Lush shop on Oxford Street, and the director Katharine Round will be attending for a Q&A session. The film aims to explore the growing gap between the […]