Medact Afternoon Conference – Climate Change, Tax Justice and Health

Book your free ticket online via eventbrite by clicking here. This is an open mini-conference hosted by Queen Mary University London and Medact. It is one of several global health conferences aimed at creating a shared environment for academics, researchers, clinicians and activists working on areas of common interest and concern. Speakers: John Christiansen (Director, Tax […]

Global Health Alert – the trans-Atlantic trade and investment negotiations – what’s the fuss about?

The United States and the European Union are currently engaged in negotiations to establish a new trade and investment agreement with each other. This is set to become one of the biggest such agreements – encompassing the world’s two largest economic unions. It will have an impact (direct and indirect) on human and environmental health and in […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – Inequality and Health (A New Public Lecture and Discussion Series)

Global Health Justice (GHJ) is a new public lecture and discussion series organised by the London-based charity Medact and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) focusing on the socio-political determinants of health. GHJ aims to bring a strong social science and humanities perspective to global health and provide a space for students, campaigners and academics to discuss, debate and exchange […]

Training in the documentation of evidence of torture

In association with the Medact Preventing Torture initiative, the Global Health Section of the Royal Society of Medicine will be hosting a series of training sessions for clinicians who are called upon to produce medico-legal reports give oral evidence about survivors of torture. These will be half-day sessions, open and participation will be free of […]

Afternoon training and discussion on the humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons

 QPSW, ICAN-UK and Religions for Peace invite you to Friends House, Euston, London for an afternoon of training and discussion on the humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons 1.30pm – 5pm on Saturday 25th October 2014   Come and learn about the latest developments moving the international community towards a treaty to ban nuclear weapons as […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – Nutrition, Climate and Public Health

Global Health Justice (GHJ) is a new public lecture and discussion series organised by the London-based charity Medact and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) focusing on the socio-political determinants of health. GHJ aims to bring a strong social science and humanities perspective to global health and provide a space for students, campaigners and academics to discuss, debate and exchange […]

Concert for Peace

MANA – Musicians for Peace presents a Concert For Peace Click here to book your ticket

Launching The People Vs PFI

Follow us on twitter @thepeoplevspfi and help spread the word by using the #PPLvsPFI hashtag PFI – The Biggest Scam You’ve Never Heard Of You’d never be able to tell from the outside, but hundreds of our hospitals, schools, prisons roads and even homes are no longer controlled by us, the people. Why? Because politicians have […]