How Nearly Everything in Dr Strangelove is True, and What We Need to Do About It – with Eric Schlosser

Details: The risks and consequences associated with nuclear weapons are much higher than previously acknowledged. Investigative journalist and author Eric Schlosser will describe some of the findings in his book Command and Control, which tells the story of Cold War ‘near-misses’ using exclusive and recently de-classified documents and interviews. Humanitarian disarmament expert Thomas Nash will outline the exciting international […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – Human Rights and Health

Queen Mary’s, University of London Mile End Rd, London, United Kingdom

Global Health Justice (GHJ) is a new public lecture and discussion series organised by the London-based charity Medact and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) focusing on the socio-political determinants of health. GHJ aims to bring a strong social science and humanities perspective to global health and provide a space for students, campaigners and academics to discuss, debate and exchange […]

Take A Stand

A tribute to Manning, Assange and Snowden, organised and sponsored by Italian sculptor Davide Dormino and his supporters, Charles Glass, Laure Boulay, Marco Benagli and Jean Michel Boissier. This evening of tributes, talks, film, food and drinks is for all Frontline Club members and their guests. It coincides with a simultaneous celebration at Shakespeare and Company […]

Contagion of fear – Ebola and future global health security responses

Part of the Global Health Advocacy seminar series held by the Royal College of Physicians and the Alma Mata Global Health Network, this seminar will address the current Ebola crisis in West Africa. It will analyse the international community’s response to the outbreak, and ask which factors have contributed to the delayed response by the […]

Human Rights and Health Care at the Bleeding Edge

We live in a world where people’s basic human rights are being denied on an extraordinary scale. This raises immediate questions: who should try to do what about it?   These dilemmas can be particularly tangled for medical and health professionals. This conference addresses students and scholars of war and peace, healthcare practitioners, human rights […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – Conflict and Health

Global Health Justice (GHJ) is a new public lecture and discussion series organised by the London-based charity Medact and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) focusing on the socio-political determinants of health. GHJ aims to bring a strong social science and humanities perspective to global health and provide a space for students, campaigners and academics to discuss, debate and exchange […]

Launch of Unhealthy Investments report – Should health organisations divest from fossil fuels?

  – This event is taking place to mark the public release of a report about the case for divestment from fossil fuels by the UK health community, including representative bodies such as the medical and nursing Royal Colleges, academic institutions working on healthcare or public health, and health-focused charities and foundations, such as the […]

Fossil Free Health – Global Divestment Day

 Are you a health professional? Are you concerned about climate change? Are you wondering what you can do about the global health emergency?     On Saturday 14th February thousands of people across 5 continents will turn out to take collective action demanding divestment from fossil fuels. If you’re in London join Medact and Healthy […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health

 5th Lecture: The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health   Date: Weds 25th Feburary Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Location: The Bainbridge Room on the second floor of the Robin Brook Centre – Queen Mary University at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital followed by The Rising Sun pub at 7:30pm (more details below).   In this fifth lecture Deborah Cohen, Investigations […]