Human Rights and Health Care at the Bleeding Edge

We live in a world where people’s basic human rights are being denied on an extraordinary scale. This raises immediate questions: who should try to do what about it?   These dilemmas can be particularly tangled for medical and health professionals. This conference addresses students and scholars of war and peace, healthcare practitioners, human rights […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – Conflict and Health

Global Health Justice (GHJ) is a new public lecture and discussion series organised by the London-based charity Medact and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) focusing on the socio-political determinants of health. GHJ aims to bring a strong social science and humanities perspective to global health and provide a space for students, campaigners and academics to discuss, debate and exchange […]

Launch of Unhealthy Investments report – Should health organisations divest from fossil fuels?

  – This event is taking place to mark the public release of a report about the case for divestment from fossil fuels by the UK health community, including representative bodies such as the medical and nursing Royal Colleges, academic institutions working on healthcare or public health, and health-focused charities and foundations, such as the […]

Fossil Free Health – Global Divestment Day

 Are you a health professional? Are you concerned about climate change? Are you wondering what you can do about the global health emergency?     On Saturday 14th February thousands of people across 5 continents will turn out to take collective action demanding divestment from fossil fuels. If you’re in London join Medact and Healthy […]

Global Health Justice Lecture – The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health

 5th Lecture: The pharmaceutical industry, TTIP and health   Date: Weds 25th Feburary Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Location: The Bainbridge Room on the second floor of the Robin Brook Centre – Queen Mary University at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital followed by The Rising Sun pub at 7:30pm (more details below).   In this fifth lecture Deborah Cohen, Investigations […]

Time to Act! National Climate March

 The People’s Climate March last September was huge. With around 40,000 people marching in London, 400,000 in New York and many thousands more taking part across the world, together we made history. 2015 needs to be even bigger. The climate talks in Paris this December are crucial if we’re going to protect all that we love. […]

Ebola – An epidemic waiting to happen again

The Ebola epidemic that has gripped the attention of the international community for months now, raising an inordinate amount of fear in the West and prompting new offerings of aid and support to the three stricken countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. In the United States, billions of dollars have been spent on security […]

PUBLIC MEETING Fracking in Lancashire – what are the risks to health?

On June 24, Lancashire County Council will decide whether to allow fracking in the county. Fracking has been banned in New York State due to the “significant public health risks”. It is also suspended in Scotland and Wales due to the high risks. Come to this public meeting to find out more about the risks […]

AGM 2015

Medact AGM 2015 This year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 20th June. All Medact members are welcome to attend. The AGM is the business meeting of Medact and serves three main functions: A chance for members to receive an update and ask questions about the last year of Medact’s work and our […]