No Borders in the NHS Bloc – Banner making & social

Medact Office The Brick Yard, 28 Charles Square, London, United Kingdom

Join us for an evening of banner and placard making, snacks, and BYOB drinks as we prepare to take our No Borders bloc to the SOS NHS day of action to save the NHS.

No Borders in the NHS Bloc @ SOS NHS National Demonstration

Patients Not Passports is joining the SOS NHS national day of action to save the NHS, march with us in the No Borders in the NHS Bloc! Join our bloc where we are marching in solidarity with migrant and refugee communities, and calling for an end to racist hostile immigration policies, including migrant charging and immigration checks in healthcare. Join us to demand an NHS free and accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay or your immigration status.

Patients Not Passports New Joiners meeting: April

Want to get involved in the Patients Not Passports campaign? Then come to our next New Joiners meeting!
We’ll cover campaign strategy, hear from some of the groups working on the Patients Not Passports campaign, and explore the different ways you can get involved.

IPPNW World Congress: Disarmament, Climate Crisis and Health – Mombasa

Travellers Beach Hotel & Club, Mombasa, Kenya Mombasa, Kenya

Medact is the UK’s affiliate to The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) – a non-partisan global federation of medical organisations dedicated to research, education, and advocacy relevant to the prevention of nuclear war.  We are looking forward to this  first African World Congress, focused on Disarmament, Climate Crisis and Health.  We […]

Housing & Health: London meeting

Medact Office The Brick Yard, 28 Charles Square, London, United Kingdom

Interested in supporting our work on healthy housing in London? Come along and hear about what we’ve been up to and how you can get involved.

Demonstration: Stop US nukes coming to Lakenheath!

RAF Lakenheath Brandon Road, Lakenheath, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Join people from across the UK to protest against plans to store US nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk.

Neoliberalism, Security and the Politics of Mental Health

Medact Office The Brick Yard, 28 Charles Square, London, United Kingdom

Join us for a panel discussion on the politics of mental health and impact of neoliberal policies and security measures on mental health, with guests Tarek Younis, Mashal Iftikar and Hil Aked.


Medact Research Network Quarterly Meeting


The Medact Rights Research Network Quarterly is a space for us to come together, share our work, discuss new projects, or delve into deep discussion about research that has caught your interest.