Health workers marching behind a Medact banner. One is wearing scrubs. They are holding placards including 'Britain needs a pay rise', 'Cut war not welfare', 'Cut energy bills now', and 'A real living wage for everyone'.

Economic Justice

Our economic system is making people sick. Gross inequality leads to unequal health outcomes. But this is not inevitable: we have the power to change the system.

Today in the UK, one of the richest countries in the world, millions struggle to survive with insecure jobs and precarious housing. Social welfare measures have been systematically torn apart.

We know that these economic inequalities drive health inequalities. Health workers witness the toll that poverty and economic insecurity has on patients every day. And we know that people living in the poorest areas are dying years earlier than those in wealthier areas.

This health injustice will persist as long as there is no economic justice.

Join us!

As an essential part of our mission to win economic transformation, we stand with and actively support those communities fighting for economic justice who are deeply affected by forms of structural oppression which drive inequality.

Latest news

Housing and health campaigns

Harrow, London

In Northwest London, our group organiser and members are now working with Harrow residents, in partnership with Harrow Law Centre, to support those residents experiencing health conditions as a result of poor and insecure housing. The objective is to start identifying buildings with tenants experiencing health issues as a result of the poor conditions of their homes, gather health data, support tenants organise around these issues, then use this case studies to call for systemic interventions that address the structural causes of the housing crisis through advocacy and campaigning work.

Homes for Us Coalition

The New Economics Foundation, along with a coalition of housing organisations have launched Homes for Us, a 5-year programme to reimagine, revitalise and rebuild social housing in the UK. “Homes For Us” will organise and train local groups to win change at a national level. Medact Economic Justice & Health group members are helping ensure that public health is central to this work.


  • Homes for Health: The Public Health Case to Warm Our Homes, Not Our Planet

  • A People's Economy – Booklets for economic justice & health

    A People’s Economy: economic justice & health booklets

Medact Economic Justice Media

Health Versus Wealth? UK Economic Policy and Public Health During COVID-19 (briefing launch)
Children's A&E Doctor on the UK cost of living crisis | Alexis Conran, Times Radio – 18 June 2022
COVID19: The case for economic justice as a Public Health Intervention

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