• The public health case for a Green New Deal

    The public health case for a Green New Deal

    In this new briefing, our Climate & Health Group make the public health case for a transformative Green New Deal.

  • Scottish Elections 2021: Glasgow Climate and Health Hustings

    Scottish Elections 2021: Glasgow Climate and Health Hustings

    Join us on international Earth Day for our special election hustings, as healthcare workers in Glasgow grill candidates in the upcoming Scottish elections on their plans for a just and green recovery post-COVID!

  • Briefing Launch: The public health case for the Green New Deal

    Briefing Launch: The public health case for the Green New Deal

    Join us for this webinar on Thursday 8th April at 7pm to launch the briefing that sets out the public health case for a Green New Deal and hear how you can get involved in the campaign!

  • Cancel the expansion of Leeds Bradford Airport

    Cancel the expansion of Leeds Bradford Airport

    Plans to expand Leeds Bradford Airport not only risk more toxic air for nearby communities, they’re also a threat to the health and wellbeing of communities around the world already suffering the impacts of the climate crisis.

  • Green Jobs MP Lobbying Training (Session 2)

    Green Jobs MP Lobbying Training (Session 2)

    In the build up to our Health Lobby of MPs for Green Jobs, we will be running MP lobbying training sessions together with Hope For Future on 12th April and 22nd April.

  • Green Jobs MP Lobbying Training (Session 1)

    Green Jobs MP Lobbying Training (Session 1)

    In the build up to our Health Lobby of MPs for Green Jobs, we will be running MP lobbying training sessions together with Hope For Future on 12th April and 22nd April.

  • Health Lobby of MPs for Green Jobs

    Health Lobby of MPs for Green Jobs

    This May, we’re taking action to convince MPs of the public health case for creating millions of good, secure green jobs post-COVID. Join us!

  • Online Storytelling Action for Green Jobs

    Online Storytelling Action for Green Jobs

    Creating new green jobs is a necessity for a healthy and sustainable recovery post-COVID. On the 23rd March, we are running an online storytelling action to amplify the experiences of those working in or studying health and highlight the health case for creating green jobs. Join us!

  • POSTPONED: Climate & Health Group – March Meeting

    POSTPONED: Climate & Health Group – March Meeting

    We’re postponing the group meeting that was planned for tonight. Sorry for the late notice!

  • Health for a Green New Deal ─ Online Launch Gathering

    Health for a Green New Deal ─ Online Launch Gathering

    Want to delve into the world of climate & health? Looking to get involved in an exciting new justice-centred campaign? Join us online for the launch gathering of Health for a Green New Deal!