• How environmentally sustainable are the new dietary guidelines?

    How environmentally sustainable are the new dietary guidelines?

      Today saw the launch of the Eatwell Guide – the UK’s official food guide to healthy diets. Astonishingly, despite major changes in eating habits and advances in nutrition science, […]

  • In Defence of the Heathrow 13

    In Defence of the Heathrow 13

    Confronting the Reality of Climate Change, and Challenging the Judgement Against the ‘Heathrow 13’ The recent conviction of thirteen individuals (the ‘Heathrow 13’) for aggravated trespass for blocking one of […]

  • Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics and Medact Conference 2016

    Resources from the event are now available on this page Antibiotics and Farming: Prescriptions for change 14th April 2016, Kennedy Lecture Theatre, Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, […]

  • Sustainable Food Systems in Undergraduate Education

    Sustainable Food Systems in Undergraduate Education

    “…health professionals need to become well informed about the dangers posed by global environmental change to the health of those they serve and the potential for health co-benefits from policies […]

  • Eating Better calls on Government to step up to the plate for our health and the health of the planet

    Eating Better calls on Government to step up to the plate for our health and the health of the planet

    Yesterday, Tuesday 2 February, Eating Better – an alliance of nearly 50 organisations, including Medact – launched its asks of Government – to take urgent action on the unsustainable level of […]

  • Sustainable Diets

    Sustainable Diets

    “What, and how much we eat directly affects what, and how much is produced. We therefore need to consume more “sustainable diets” – diets that have lower environmental impacts, and […]

  • Short Film Screenings: Critical Degrees

    As world leaders gather in Paris to discuss a new possible agreement to reduce the threat of climate change, Medact and Shorts On Tap are inviting young people to join us […]

  • Contribution to HHR Journal COP21 Series on Divestment

    Contribution to HHR Journal COP21 Series on Divestment

    The divestment movement has empowered individuals and investors to go beyond attempts to influence demand for fossil fuels; rather, people can directly influence fossil fuel supply and the structural drivers of climate change, challenging the systems that lock us into fossil fuel dependency.

  • Divestment is No Grand Gesture

    This briefing by Dr David McCoy provides a structured and detailed examination of the arguments used by Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome Trust) and Charlie Jeffery (University of Edinburgh) to support continued investment […]

  • Divestment is no ‘Grand Gesture’

    Divestment is no ‘Grand Gesture’

    According to Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, the Guardian’s “Keep in the Ground” campaign to promote divestment from fossil fuel companies is merely a “grand gesture” that can […]