• Medact Research Network Quarterly Meeting

    Medact Research Network Quarterly Meeting

    The Medact Rights Research Network Quarterly is a space for us to come together, share our work, discuss new projects, or delve into deep discussion about research that has caught your interest. We aim to collectively develop our thought and research practices.

  • STOP the Silvertown Tunnel – letter from London Health Workers

    STOP the Silvertown Tunnel – letter from London Health Workers

    For the sake of public health, it’s time that Mayor Sadiq Khan cancels the Silvertown Tunnel, and lives up to his own call for a Green New Deal for London. If you’re a member of the health community living or working in London, please sign the letter below and share it with your colleagues!

  • Medact Brighton: an introduction to Health for a Green New Deal

    Medact Brighton: an introduction to Health for a Green New Deal

    Interested in learning more about and taking action for health and climate justice? Join Medact Brighton for an introduction to the Health for a Green New Deal!

  • Prescription for Climate Justice: Health Action Summer/Autumn 2022

    Prescription for Climate Justice: Health Action Summer/Autumn 2022

    We’re taking action for a just transition that prioritises public health. Sign up to receive our action guide that explains how to set up your very own local climate clinic!

  • For Health’s Sake, Stop Funding Fossil Fuels! Protest at the Treasury

    For Health’s Sake, Stop Funding Fossil Fuels! Protest at the Treasury

    As the evidence of impending climate catastrophe builds by the day, the UK government is ploughing ahead with a reckless pro-fossil fuels agenda, approving new oil and gas fields in the North Sea. Join us on Saturday 11th June as we team up with Doctors for Extinction Rebellion to bring the call of the health…

  • Global Health Watch 6 Launch

    Global Health Watch 6 Launch

    Join us to celebrate the publication of the sixth edition of Global Health Watch, the definitive alternative voice on health compiled by activists and academics from around the world.

  • Organising for Power: The Core Fundamentals

    Organising for Power: The Core Fundamentals

    Do you want to build your skills to support your campaigning for health justice? Sign up here to register your interest in Medact / Organising for Power training sessions.

  • Movement Builders: How to organise a protest – Health for a Green New Deal

    Movement Builders: How to organise a protest – Health for a Green New Deal

    Join Health for a Green New Deal for an online workshop on how to organise a protest! This will be a space to learn from each other, skillshare, troubleshoot, and provide an opportunity to begin planning actions for your campaigns. We hope you’ll leave feeling empowered and ready to go.

  • Medact Scotland group meeting

    Medact Scotland group meeting

    Medact Scotland will be meeting to discuss ideas for climate actions and other work in 2022!

  • Health4GND Bristol Local Action Training

    Health4GND Bristol Local Action Training

    Interested in getting involved in mobilising the health community in Bristol for climate justice and a transformative Green New Deal? Join us for this local action training to launch Health for a GND Bristol.