• Medact Gathering 2020

    Medact Gathering 2020

    Join us for our 2020 gathering to explore the interlinked societal and political structures which damage health and how health workers can use their skills and their social mandate to create change for good.

  • What do we mean when we say #HumanRightToHealth?

    Hear the Medact team explain how our vision for a human right to health forms a common thread through all our work areas.

  • Help us realise a human right to health

    Help us realise a human right to health

    We need your help to build our dynamic movement of health workers and activists

  • 2019 Manifesto Analysis

    2019 Manifesto Analysis

    It’s election time, so we’ve been poring over the manifestos from all the major parties to see how they stack up against the aims of our different campaigns and work areas.

  • Medact Gathering 2020 [POSTPONED]

    Medact Gathering 2020 [POSTPONED]

    After careful consideration and consultation, we have now decided to postpone our upcoming Health Justice conference in light of the current situation regarding Coronavirus.

  • Submission to the Children’s Future Food Inquiry

    Submission to the Children’s Future Food Inquiry

    Medact produced this submission to the Children’s Future Food Inquiry in early 2019 as part of exploratory work on food justice issues at the intersection of diet, poverty and health. […]

  • DWP not Fit for Practice

    DWP not Fit for Practice

    In yet another demonstration of government departments concerning intervention in healthcare provision, a recent report released by Z2K highlights a new practice by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) […]

  • Submission to welfare safety net inquiry 2018

    Submission to welfare safety net inquiry 2018

    This submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Inquiry into the ‘Welfare safety net’ was put together from answers to a survey of health professionals asking about their experiences […]

  • Working towards food justice – what can healthcare professionals do?

    Medact are in the early stages of developing a campaign on how to bring about a just food system. Will you join us for a workshop to discuss access to […]

  • Economic Deprivation and Health – Have Your Say

    Economic Deprivation and Health – Have Your Say

    Will you take part in our survey on deprivation and health? We want to hear from health professionals across the UK about economic deprivation and patient care.