• Health for a Green New Deal

    Health for a Green New Deal

    We’re building the health movement for a transformative Green New Deal.

  • Economic Justice

    Economic Justice

    Our economic system is making people sick. Gross inequality leads to unequal health outcomes. But this is not inevitable: we have the power to change the system. Today in the […]

  • Securitisation of Health

    Securitisation of Health

    We call for collective security, health and well-being, rather than ‘hard’ security measures like border enforcement, a punitive criminal justice system, and counter-terror measures that criminalise entire communities.

  • Get involved with the #PatientsNotPassports campaign!

    Get involved with the #PatientsNotPassports campaign!

    Patients Not Passports are organising to end to racist migrant charging policies within the NHS. Get involved with the campaign!

  • Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear weapons are the most destructive, most indiscriminate, most inhumane instruments of mass murder ever created. Medact is the UK affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).

  • The Arms Trade

    The Arms Trade

    The international arms trade is in direct opposition to efforts to protect and pursue the health of our world and its inhabitants.