• Military Recruitment

    Military Recruitment

    Medact has been working

  • Sustainable Food Systems, Diets & Health

    Sustainable Food Systems, Diets & Health

    Our global food system is destroying the very environment on which future food production relies. It is the leading cause of deforestation, land use change and loss of biodiversity. It […]

  • The Arms Trade

    The Arms Trade

    The international arms trade is in direct opposition to efforts to protect and pursue the health of our world and its inhabitants.

  • Fracking


    “The arguments against fracking on public health and ecological grounds are overwhelming. There are clear grounds for adopting the precautionary principle and prohibiting fracking” – Quote from an open letter in […]

  • Climate Change & Health

    Climate Change & Health

    Climate change is affecting the health of both people and the planet right now.  It will affect the most fundamental determinants of health: water, food, air and which infectious diseases […]

  • Health and Health Policy in Iraq

    Health and Health Policy in Iraq

    Three of the authors of this series of reports have collaborated on a response to the release of the findings of the Chilcot inquiry Medact has produced a total of […]

  • Trident


    Nuclear weapons continue to pose a profound threat to human life on the planet. This section of the website includes material on the history of nuclear weapons and their effects, […]

  • Militarisation


    Militarisation Militarisation: The action of making military in character or style; spec. transformation to military methods or status, esp. by the provision or expansion of military forces and other resources. (Oxford English […]

  • Sustainable Food Systems in Undergraduate Education

    Sustainable Food Systems in Undergraduate Education

    “…health professionals need to become well informed about the dangers posed by global environmental change to the health of those they serve and the potential for health co-benefits from policies […]

  • Sustainable Diets

    Sustainable Diets

    “What, and how much we eat directly affects what, and how much is produced. We therefore need to consume more “sustainable diets” – diets that have lower environmental impacts, and […]