• Health Under Attack

    Health Under Attack

    Intentional and direct attacks on hospitals are war crimes, and denying people access to essential health care is a serious violation of international humanitarian law – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 3 […]

  • Health Impact Assessments

    Health Impact Assessments

    There is a wealth of data and research on the devastating consequences for health of violent conflict. Up until now this research has not been used by decision makers in […]

  • Drones


    Medact published a report in 2012, and an update in 2013, outlining the many reasons why health professionals are deeply concerned about the increasing use of drones. These concerns range […]

  • Tax & Health

    Tax & Health

    Severe resource constraints in the wake of the financial crisis have made the provision of health care more difficult than ever. In the UK, the NHS is facing the largest […]

  • Arms & Conflict

    Arms & Conflict

    War and conflict are major causes of human suffering. They also cause environmental degradation, perpetuate inequalities and undermine democracy. Nuclear bombs and other indiscriminate weapons of mass destruction are incompatible with the public health aims of safety and health protection.