• Homes for Health: The Public Health Case for Social Homes

    Homes for Health: The Public Health Case for Social Homes

    Join us for the second of our series of online gatherings to discuss together how health workers can join the fight for housing and health justice!

  • From Fuel Poverty to the Just Transition: How Health Workers Can Join the Fight to Win

    From Fuel Poverty to the Just Transition: How Health Workers Can Join the Fight to Win

    Our homes are making us sick, shortening lives and stealing children’s futures. Join us this July for two online gatherings, where we will learn about how and why our homes have become sites of illness, and the political solutions towards reclaiming the relationship between homes and health.

  • Stop the Redcar Incinerator!

    Stop the Redcar Incinerator!

    An open letter to Newcastle City Council from health workers in the North East of England opposing the proposed Redcar waste incinerator. Sign your name!

  • London Housing & Health meeting

    London Housing & Health meeting

    Medact’s Housing & Health Group is organising to improve policies for better access to secure and sustainable housing.

  • London Housing & Health meeting

    London Housing & Health meeting

    Medact’s Housing & Health Group is organising to improve policies for better access to secure and sustainable housing.

  • Securitisation of Health group meeting: June

    Securitisation of Health group meeting: June

    The Securitisation of Health group is for health workers and anyone interested in working to challenge the growing securitisation of healthcare through campaigning, lobbying and research. The group are currently focused on campaigning to end Prevent in the NHS, and also work to oppose policing other securitisation policies within healthcare. New members are welcome!

  • Medact Leeds group meeting: June

    Medact Leeds group meeting: June

    Medact Leeds are organising locally for climate and health justice as part of the Health for a Green New Deal network, and also taking action to end the hostile environment, campaigning for Patients Not Passports. All are welcome.

  • Medact Sheffield group meeting: June

    Medact Sheffield group meeting: June

    Medact Sheffield are organising locally on the Patients Not Passports campaign, seeking to end the Hostile Environment in the NHS. The group are also organising for climate and health justice as part of the Health for a Green New Deal network. All are welcome.

  • Medact Bristol June group meeting

    Medact Bristol June group meeting

    Medact Bristol has focused its efforts on campaigns on climate, environment and sustainability, divestment, and migrant access to healthcare. The group’s current focus is supporting Reclaim our Buses, a campaign in Bristol to bring buses back into public control. New members are welcome.

  • Criminalising Distress report launch

    Criminalising Distress report launch

    Join Medact for the launch of our latest report, Criminalising Distress. The report is the result of our independent national study exploring SIM (Serenity Integrated Mentoring) and exposing ongoing SIM-like practices which involve the police in securitising and punishing mental distress.